"Postscript: Leave the line above, and replace the rest of this comment by a useful one. Executable statements should follow this comment, and should be separated by periods, with no exclamation points (!!). Be sure to put any further comments in double-quotes, like this one." | gofer packages | repository := MCHttpRepository location: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/Pharo/' user: '' password: ''. "A. Load Gofer" ScriptLoader new installGofer. "B. Install packages" gofer := Gofer new. gofer url: 'http://www.squeaksource.com/Pharo'. packages := #( "Part 2.1" 'Kernel-MikeRoberts.408' "Part 3" 'CompilerTests-MikeRoberts.21' 'KernelTests-MikeRoberts.150' 'Compiler-MikeRoberts.130' "Part 4" 'Compiler-MikeRoberts.131' "Part 5" 'Kernel-MikeRoberts.409' "Part 6" 'Kernel-MikeRoberts.411' "Part 7" 'System-Changes-MikeRoberts.13' 'System-Download-MikeRoberts.11' 'System-Support-MikeRoberts.89' "Part 8" 'Tools-MikeRoberts.202' "Part 9 - setup recompile" 'System-Support-MikeRoberts.90'). packages do: [:each | gofer copy add: each; load]. "C. Recompile" Utilities initializeClosures. Utilities compileUsingClosures. !