'From Squeak3.9 of 7 November 2006 [latest update: #7067] on 28 March 2007 at 12:06:28 pm'! "Change Set: weakfix4 Date: 18 March 2007 Author: Martin v. Loewis Remove unneeded methods"! !WeakKeyDictionary methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mvl 3/15/2007 16:18'! fixCollisionsFrom: oldIndex "This is an internal method that should not be needed in WeakKeyDictionary" self shouldNotImplement.! ! !WeakKeyDictionary methodsFor: 'private' stamp: 'mvl 3/18/2007 11:33'! valueAtNewKey: aKey put: anObject atIndex: index declareFrom: aDictionary self shouldNotImplement.! ! !WeakRegistry methodsFor: 'finalization' stamp: 'mvl 3/16/2007 09:55'! finalizeValues "Some of our elements may have gone away. Look for those and activate the associated executors." | finiObjects | finiObjects := nil. "First collect the objects." self protected:[ valueDictionary allAssociationsDo:[:assoc| assoc key isNil ifTrue:[ finiObjects isNil ifTrue:[finiObjects := OrderedCollection with: assoc value] ifFalse:[finiObjects add: assoc value]] ]. finiObjects isNil ifFalse:[valueDictionary finalizeValues: finiObjects asArray]. ]. "Then do the finalization" finiObjects isNil ifTrue:[^self]. finiObjects do:[:each| each finalize]. ! ! WeakKeyToCollectionDictionary removeSelector: #rehash! WeakKeyDictionary removeSelector: #scanForNil:!