"Postscript: Leave the line above, and replace the rest of this comment by a useful one. Executable statements should follow this comment, and should be separated by periods, with no exclamation points (!!). Be sure to put any further comments in double-quotes, like this one." |repository first| repository := MCHttpRepository location: 'http://ss3.gemstone.com/ss/Pharo14' user: '' password: ''. (repository loadVersionFromFileNamed:'ScriptLoader14-MarcusDenker.199.mcz') load. ScriptLoader new update14178. first := (ToolRegistry allInstances select: [:e | e hasToolNamed: #changedMessageSet ])first. (first pointersToExcept: #()) do: [:e | "browseInstance Var" 1 to: (e class allInstVarNames size) do: [:f | ((e instVarAt: f )= first) ifTrue: [(e instVarAt: f put: (Smalltalk tools))]]. "browse indexed field" 1 to: e basicSize do: [:f | ((e basicAt: f) = first) ifTrue: [(e basicAt: f put: (Smalltalk tools))]] ]. first := 1. Smalltalk garbageCollect. !