'From Pharo3.0 of 18 March 2013 [Latest update: #30268] on 12 July 2013 at 2:13:10 pm'! !TClass methodsFor: '*FuelTests' stamp: 'SebastianTleye 7/11/2013 17:40'! renameSilently: aName [ self rename: aName] fuelValueWithoutNotifications! ! !TClass methodsFor: '*FuelTests' stamp: 'SebastianTleye 7/11/2013 17:40'! renameSilently: aName [ self rename: aName] fuelValueWithoutNotifications! ! Trait removeSelector: #renameSilently:! Class removeSelector: #renameSilently:! !TClass methodsFor: '*GroupManagerUI' stamp: 'SebastianTleye 7/11/2013 17:40'! prettyName ^ self printString! ! !TClass methodsFor: '*GroupManagerUI' stamp: 'SebastianTleye 7/11/2013 17:40'! prettyName ^ self printString! ! !TClass methodsFor: '*Manifest-Core' stamp: 'SebastianTleye 7/11/2013 17:40'! criticTheNonMetaclassClass "Return the class of the receiver for the critic browser. This behavior may be folded later by changing the name of this method or using another one." ^ self ! ! Class removeSelector: #prettyName! Class removeSelector: #criticTheNonMetaclassClass! !TClass methodsFor: '*HelpSystem-Core' stamp: 'SebastianTleye 7/11/2013 17:41'! asHelpTopic ^SystemReference forClass: self! ! !TClass methodsFor: '*HelpSystem-Core' stamp: 'SebastianTleye 7/11/2013 17:41'! asHelpTopic ^SystemReference forClass: self! ! Class removeSelector: #asHelpTopic! !MCClassTraitDefinition methodsFor: 'comparing' stamp: 'SebastianTleye 7/12/2013 13:48'! = aDefinition ^ (super = aDefinition) and: [baseTrait = aDefinition baseTrait and: [self classTraitCompositionString = aDefinition classTraitCompositionString]] ! ! !MCClassTraitDefinition methodsFor: 'comparing' stamp: 'SebastianTleye 7/12/2013 13:48'! = aDefinition ^ (super = aDefinition) and: [baseTrait = aDefinition baseTrait and: [self classTraitCompositionString = aDefinition classTraitCompositionString]] ! ! !Trait methodsFor: '*Monticello' stamp: 'SebastianTleye 7/12/2013 13:59'! classDefinitions | definitions | definitions := OrderedCollection with: self asClassDefinition. (self hasClassSide and: [self classTrait hasTraitComposition]) ifTrue: [definitions add: self classTrait asMCDefinition]. ^definitions asArray! ! !Trait methodsFor: '*Monticello' stamp: 'SebastianTleye 7/12/2013 13:59'! classDefinitions | definitions | definitions := OrderedCollection with: self asClassDefinition. (self hasClassSide and: [self classTrait hasTraitComposition]) ifTrue: [definitions add: self classTrait asMCDefinition]. ^definitions asArray! ! Class removeSelector: #subclass:layoutClass:slots:sharedVariableNames:sharedPoolNames:category:! !TClass methodsFor: '*Spec-Builder' stamp: 'SebastianTleye 7/11/2013 17:51'! subclass: newName category: newCategory | result | result := self subclass: newName instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: newCategory. ^ result ifNil: [ Smalltalk at: self name ifAbsent: [ nil ]] ifNotNil: [ result ]! ! !TClass methodsFor: '*Spec-Builder' stamp: 'SebastianTleye 7/11/2013 17:47'! addSourceCode: source into: selector | method newSource | method := self methodDict at: selector asSymbol ifAbsent: [ ^ self ]. newSource := String streamContents: [:s | s << method sourceCode << '.' ; cr ; tab ;<< source ]. self compileWithoutReturn: newSource classified: method category! ! !TClass methodsFor: '*Spec-Builder' stamp: 'SebastianTleye 7/11/2013 17:47'! addInstVarNamed: aName type: aClass ^ self addInstVarNamed: aName! ! !TClass methodsFor: '*Spec-Builder' stamp: 'SebastianTleye 7/11/2013 17:51'! subclass: newName category: newCategory | result | result := self subclass: newName instanceVariableNames: '' classVariableNames: '' poolDictionaries: '' category: newCategory. ^ result ifNil: [ Smalltalk at: self name ifAbsent: [ nil ]] ifNotNil: [ result ]! ! !TClass methodsFor: '*Spec-Builder' stamp: 'SebastianTleye 7/11/2013 17:47'! addSourceCode: source into: selector | method newSource | method := self methodDict at: selector asSymbol ifAbsent: [ ^ self ]. newSource := String streamContents: [:s | s << method sourceCode << '.' ; cr ; tab ;<< source ]. self compileWithoutReturn: newSource classified: method category! ! !TClass methodsFor: '*Spec-Builder' stamp: 'SebastianTleye 7/11/2013 17:47'! addInstVarNamed: aName type: aClass ^ self addInstVarNamed: aName! ! Class removeSelector: #addInstVarNamed:type:! Class removeSelector: #addSourceCode:into:! Class removeSelector: #subclass:category:!